Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Association between Respiratory Diseases and Dust events in United Arab Emirates

Dynamic The proposed examination targets building up if there is a connection between dust occasions and respiratory ailments in United Arabs Emirates. This is will help expose the pervasiveness pace of respiratory maladies in the district also furnish important partners with fundamental data concerning residue and its impacts on human health.Advertising We will compose a custom proposition test on Association between Respiratory Diseases and Dust occasions in United Arab Emirates explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Existing literary works draw relationship between dust storms and respiratory sicknesses. Blended examination approach will be utilized in the investigation. The two polls and records from emergency clinics will furnish the analyst with the ideal information. Before the investigation starts, the scientist will get endorsement from Independent Regulation Board from the collection just as acquire educated assent from the subjects. Presentation and issue p roclamation The examination tries to build up the relationship between respiratory illnesses and residue occasions in the United Arab Emirates. It is important that UAE is in a locale where residue storms happen consistently. Preferably dust is made out of small strong particles drifting noticeable all around. This is fit for moving beyond the lung’s characteristic guard and develop bringing about genuine wellbeing inconveniences (Qiu, Zou Zhan, 2006). Researchers have attempted to connect dust occasions and frequencies of respiratory ailments. Examination shows that when an individual is presented to air poisons, they are at higher danger of contracting respiratory related ailments for example asthma, interminable obstructive pneumonic infection, lung malignant growth just as hypersensitivities. Since UAE is in a dry locale, the best contamination is dust brought about by wind and tempests. This represents an extraordinary risk especially to youngsters, adolescents, newborn children, asthmatic people, pregnant ladies, solid grown-ups who practice energetically in the fields, individuals experiencing cardiovascular maladies and the older in the general public. In the United States of America, an examination did in 6 urban areas viewed as the most dirtied by dust reasoned that occupants from these urban areas were at higher danger of being hospitalized because of respiratory sicknesses. Additionally greater part kicked the bucket because of lung malignant growth when contrasted with others living in urban communities that are less dirtied. Moreover youngsters in these zones were multiple times bound to experience the ill effects of low lung capacities. It is important that dust occasions can compound wellbeing states of individuals who experience the ill effects of respiratory related sicknesses (Host et al., 2008). World Health Organization has indicated that interminable obstructive pneumonic ailment is a worldwide medical problem and would one say one is of the significant reasons for constant bleakness and mortality in the whole world (Kanatani et al., 2010).Advertising Looking for proposition on ecological investigations? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is positioned 6th as a main source of death comprehensively. Since it is one of the respiratory ailments brought about via air contamination, it is evaluated that it will keep causing demise just as increment pervasiveness of respiratory maladies in the coming years (Brunekreef Forsberg, 2005). Hugeness of the examination The proposed investigation is of significance as it will assess whether the connection between dust occasions and respiratory ailments exists. The discoveries will be noteworthy to different partners, for example, foundations of higher learning, people, wellbeing association, and service of general wellbeing among others. It is significant that the discoveries will make those people who thought there was no connection between dust occasions and respiratory ailments reconsider and take vital preventive measures. Additionally, wellbeing division in UAE will leave on a crusade to teach individuals on the best way to abstain from being casualties of residue occasions related illnesses. Also the legislature will create strategies planned for diminishing residue occasions especially those brought about by human exercises. This will help diminish the recurrence of residue occasions. Not doing this examination will obviously delineate that the relationship between respiratory sicknesses and residue occasions in the UAE won't be uncovered. This will imply that there will be no activity taken to spare the lives of the helpless populace. Extent of the investigation The extent of the examination is to set up the connection between respiratory infections and residue occasions in the UAE. Thus issues identifying with the kinds of respiratory sickness people experience the ill effects of, comm onness rate and how best to control the circumstance are all of interests in this investigation. In view of this, suggestions will be delivered to help control the important bodies in transit forward in managing the threat. The investigation will occur in the UAE. Points and destinations and exploration addresses The point of the examination is to research the relationship between dust occasions in UAE and respiratory sicknesses. The particular targets are; To discover the relationship between respiratory ailments and residue occasions among the UAE populace. To set up the pervasiveness pace of respiratory illnesses in UAE. To set up the systems that can be received to check respiratory ailments in the UAE. Examination questions Is there a connection between respiratory ailments and residue occasions among the UAE populace? What is the commonness pace of respiratory maladies in UAE? What techniques can be received to control respiratory maladies in the UAE? Writing survey Most of th e Asian part is either dry or semi dry. This has made the dirts dry and free; this combined with the way that breezes are progressively common causes it feasible for residue to be completed starting from the earliest stage kept somewhere else bringing about air contamination. In Middle East the Shamala twists start from Turkey, Iraq just as Saudi Arabia. As the breeze gain energy over the Gulf of Arabia dust are kicked up.Advertising We will compose a custom proposition test on Association between Respiratory Diseases and Dust occasions in United Arab Emirates explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Numerous examinations have connected residue occasions and the high pace of respiratory infections. In one examination did by Kwon, et al., 2002 researching the impact of Asian residue on day by day passings in South Korea somewhere in the range of 1995 and 1998. He set up that the connection between dust occasions and passings from heart infections was solid. Also people experiencing respiratory maladies are helpless to tidy occasions in Asia. Essentially another investigation did in Taipei uncovered that there was a higher explicitness in partner dust impacts with respiratory passings. It is significant that an investigation completed by Lei, et al., 2004 utilizing rodent model inspected the irritation markers in the lung just as fringe blood after the creatures were presented to clean tempests particles. The results uncovered that residue has the capability of expanding lung aggravation just as injury in aspiratory vein in those rodents esteemed to be overly sensitive (Peng et al., 2008). As indicated by Chen et al., 2004 residue occasions tend to impeded human perceivability prompting mishaps. Scientists have demonstrated that individuals who live in regions inclined to tidy occasions take in particles which coast in air. Fortunately not every one of these particles get their way through human nose. Anyway littler particles typically get their wa y through the nose arriving at the lungs. Human respiratory frameworks have cilia and bodily fluid which help trap dust. In the event that dusty air arrives at the alveoli it is the duty of macrophages to expel the residue. Furthermore lungs can create protein to kill dusty air. In circumstances where the residue gets away from all these component of refining air, at that point there are various illnesses man will experience the ill effects of relying upon whether the residue is natural or inorganic (Kanatani et al., 2010). For example inorganic residue prompts asbestosis, silicosis, coal pneumoconiosis among others. Then again, natural residue results in farmers’ lung, sewage slop ailment among others. It is important that particles which are under 10 microns in measurement may contain dust, smoke, silica, residue enter human lung and cause these issues. Strikingly dust occasions can disable animals’ wellbeing, erode structures just as weaken development in vegetation (Husar et al., 2001). As indicated by Abdelkarim et al., 2011 changes in climate conditions which are portrayed with dust occasions fuel constant lung infections especially in those people regarded to be experiencing asthma. An examination on kids experiencing respiratory infections in this area indicated that the predominance rate among kids matured somewhere in the range of 6 and 19 years remained at 13.0% (Choi et al., 2011).Advertising Searching for proposition on ecological investigations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Asthma in the district has been known to be answerable for higher dismalness rate just as high pace of truancy in schools. Different reasons for respiratory ailments in this district incorporate cigarette smoking, hereditary history of ailments, for example, asthma, low birth loads among others (Wang et al., 1997). It is significant that the connection between dust occasions and respiratory ailments in UAE isn't all around archived. Procedure Mixed examination approach will be utilized to direct the investigation. In this way both subjective and quantitative techniques for information assortment will be used. Information which show the quantity of patients experiencing respiratory maladies will be gathered from medicinal services habitats and emergency clinics in UAE. As proposed by Beiske, 2002 this will permit the examination to have definite number of people who looked for clinical consideration because of experiencing respiratory sicknesses. It will likewise permit me to set up t he commonness pace of respiratory infection in the area (Ko

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Natural Fiber Wide Use Health And Social Care Essay

Common strands have been in an expansive utilization since the advancement of mankind. Getting up to speed the Eco push, applied researchers were searching for eco-accommodating choices for fictile fiber. In the due class numerous regular strands have been tried and some had the option to do their base going monetarily plausible. The current work proposes to fix and demonstrate a Natural Fiber ( Asian Palmyra ) Reinforced Composite ( NFRC ) . The review is arranged in adjustment to a 3-Level Factorial Design and discover the change of Tensile Strength ( TS ) , of short and unpredictably situated Palmyra NFRC, leveled out parametric amounts, for example, soluble base mediation cut, fiber length and fiber volume % . The current paper centers to design the impact of strategy factors on TS through Response Surface Methodology. The scientific hypothetical record which is created to foresee elasticity is discovered factually legitimate and sound inside the extent of the variables. Watchwords: A †Discontinuous help, B †Mechanical belongingss, C †Statistical properties/strategies, D †Mechanical testing, E †Lay-up ( manual ) .1. Introduction:Natural fiber has been in an expansive utilization since the improvement of mankind. They had got wide usual meaning in networks for their flexibleness and quality. Ongoing inclinations in the nation of fiber strengthened complexs have attracted a twine using these regular strands as their help. The common fiber gives lower lastingness and lower quality contrasted with coat filaments. Be that as it may, low explicit attractive energy results in a higher explicit quality and firmness than glass. Normal strands offer great warm, dielectric and acoustic insularity belongingss alongside ease in handling procedure without have oning of apparatuses. A large portion of these filaments are delivered in creating states like China, India and Brazil and so on. In a chronicled position complexs like straw strengthened dividers, retires from made of stuck beds played of import works in their continuance. Despite the fact that a significant number of these filaments are restricted to their plague parts because of high neighborhood interest for some, mature ages, happening to man-caused strands to have influenced the market of regular strands. Subsequent to being totally utilized for their electromagnetic belongingss, using complexs to better the basic open introduction of ballistic container and airplane got well known in last two decennaries of the old century. Especially, expanded obliges and future ecological course maps, have been underscoring car ventures to lessen their C pes prints. These thorough advances have become gift to the slacking common fiber enterprises, and in this way making new difficulties for inquire about laborers in happening beginnings of fiber, fiction methods and uses of regular strands. The simple handiness of normal filaments and creating have roused look into laborers overall late to look for locally accessible modest strands and to investigate their plausibility of help goals and to what degree they fulfill the required determinations of good fortified polymer complexs [ 1 ] . Numerous surveies demonstrated them to be potential adversaries to man-made fiber somewhat. In the wake of reconsidering the bing writing accessible on normal fiber complexs, grouped journalists had placed endeavors in planing complexs dependent on the requests of composite industry. There has been a wide collection of writing accessible on normal strands such aspen, abaca, bagasse, bamboo, banana, coir, day of the month thenar, flax, henequen, isora, jute, silk cotton, deccan hemp, oil thenar, Ananas comosus, ramee, sisal, and so on , [ 2-18 ] . Regular fiber complexs give practically identical explicit quality that of man-made fiber complexs, due the low thickness offered by common filaments [ 19 ] . There are numerous parametric amounts which influence the open introduction of a characteristic fiber-strengthened complex. Substance adjustment improvesA fiberA lattice grip, their results and consequences for the physical belongingss ofA complexs [ 20 ] . Viewpoint proportion has a s ignificant outcome on composite belongingss, henceforth it is of import to moderate fiber length each piece much as conceivable during composite handling activities [ 21 ] . Mechanical belongingss of the composite fluctuate with grouped entireties of fiber volume proportion. However, there have been an extremely hardly any archives covering with Palmyra fiber, the current fiber of our inclusion [ 22 †24 ] . The Borasseus Flabellifer is a tall and vertical thenar, and can populate 100 mature ages or more and make a stature of 30 m, with a shade of enormous, fan-formed foliages a few twelve discovered conveying 3 meters across [ 25 ] . Every single part of the tree is an essential financial incentive for individuals in Southern India. The mid-ribs of the foliages and the strands from their teases are utilized in doing mechanical coppices and brushes. The fiber has great restriction to conflict and heat, and will oppose numerous synthetics and dissolvers. The thickness of hard stuff palm ( 0.7 gm/cm3 ) is least among all known regular strands that are as a rule economically utilized in manufacturing characteristic fiber complexs. This is incredibly great possessions from the position purpose of light-profundity. The current complex can happen broadened application in non-auxiliary, low-execution usages. Subsequently, the hard stuff palm strands are generally appropriate for doing bolster i n green composite stuffs. The current research centers around the overview and result of method parametric amounts on the elasticity of short and unpredictably situated palmyra common fiber fortified complexs. The choices drawn from this is, an effective mix of method parametric amounts outcomes in the improvement of mechanical belongingss of the composite. In future, complexs will be produced considerably additionally orchestrating to an incorporated plan system following in the ideal structure fitting to parametric amounts, for example, structure, mass, quality, firmness, lastingness, costs, and so on. The created scientific hypothetical record will have the option to demo the impact of a plan adjustment on every last one of these parametric amounts ( here quality ) .2. Reaction SURFACE METHODOLOGY:Response surface methodological investigation ( RSM ) started with crafted by Box and Wilson in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society [ 26 ] . That work was propelled by the interest to run explores speedi ly, by an appropriate pick of structure, and to discover working conditions on a lot of manageable factors that offer ascent to an ideal reaction. The cardinal contemplations in the old style RSM are created using added substance multinomial hypothetical records, primarily first-degree and second-degree hypothetical records, with continuous reaction factors expected, for the most segment, to be autonomously and normally disseminated with immutable error inconsistencies. This technique has experienced a few periods of advancement that are planned for doing it progressively pertinent to more extensive exploratory condition of affairss [ 27 ] . RSM is a total of scientific and factual methods that are utile for the shape and examination of employments in which a reaction of association is affected by a few factors and the point is to enhance the reaction [ 28 ] . For, representation, if the experimenter wishes to happen the degrees of two information factors, x1, x2 which boost the yield [ y ] of the method, so the system yield is expressed as: where I⠵ speaks to the clamor or slip-up saw in the reaction Y. On the off chance that the normal reaction is signified by E [ y ] = f [ x1, x2 ] = I⠷ , so the surface spoke to by I⠷ = f [ x1, x2 ] is known as a reaction surface. In the event that the individual information variable can be identified with the finished result variable so it is known as reaction bend and if the two information factors identify with the final result variable so it is known as reaction surface [ 28 ] . In like manner design, reaction surfaces are communicated diagrammatically and imagined through single mystery plans, forms and 3D surface graphs.3. Example Fabrication:The petioles of Asiatic Palmyra tree were absorbed a H2O retting shielded battle vehicle for 45 yearss. After 45 yearss, the fiber can be separated from the teases physically. These long continuous strands are washed comprehensively in plentifulness of clean H2O to take the overabundance squander ( fig. 1 ) .3.1 ALKALI TREATMENT:Th e acquired strands were isolated into three pieces of equivalent weight. These three gatherings of fiber were treated with 5 % NaOH answer for various clasp durations. The primary gathering is treated for 2 hours, the second for 4 hours and the third for 6 hours. Substance intercession with NaOH expels wet substance from the strands in this way expanding its quality. The synthetic intercession other than clears all the drosss that are flanking the fiber stuff what's more balances out the atomic direction. After soluble base intercession, filaments were washed comprehensively in the refined H2O and were dried for one twenty-four hours at room temperature. At that point these long filaments were stopped into strands of various lengths ( 3mm, 5mm and 7mm ) . The strands which were treated for 2 hours with NaOH are cut into equivalent aggregates of 3mm, 5mm and 7mm filaments severally. So also, the strands which were treated with NaOH for 4 hours and 6 hours were other than stopped into filaments. Consequently nine distinct examples of fiber were readied which fluctuate in fiber length and salt intercession hours.3.2 PREPATION OF COMPOSITES:A rectangular wooden leading body of 300mm, 300mm was taken and wooden types of thickness 4mm were fixed on these wooden sheets with the guide of nails. These wooden structures were set with the goal that an interminable of 150mm, 10mm, and 4mm was gotten. After the molds of required measurements were readied, wax was applied to the inside sides of the molds for simple arrival of the complex without housing to the form dividers. At that point the grid was set up by mixing the hardener to epoxy. The ep oxy and the hardener proportion were maint

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Its here!

It’s here! Some of you may remember that a few months ago, Snively and I, as well as our good friend Garrett 11, were working on something awesome. Well, we finished the something awesome months ago, but we wanted to keep it under wraps until its official release. Today, Im finally able to show it to you, since the Next Big Mailing has officially been shipped and the i3 DVD has gone out to the class of 2014 everywhere. For those who arent familiar with the i3 DVD, i3 stands for the Interactive Introduction to the Institute and serves a first introduction (or second, after CPW) to all the different dorms. Each dorm makes a short video showcasing the culture, talent, and innovation of each dorm, while also welcoming the incoming freshman class. Most i3 videos, especially Burton Conner videos, are a montage of parties, study breaks, and people running around the dorm yelling a lot set to loud music, but when we were elected i3 chairs we decided we wanted to do something a little different. So without further ado, I present to you: the 2010 Burton Conner i3 video. A few notes about this video: * The film stars over sixty different people, and took over 40 hours to plan, shoot, and edit over a period of two and a half months. * There are at least 14 different memes in this video. * I sent 107 emails having to do with the i3 over the course of this year. A lot of them were very wordy and long-winded. Some of them were oh my god, can we do that emails. Other ones were I cant believe were doing that emails. * The video is currently posted on YouTube in HD, YouTube (regular quality), Vimeo, and TechTV, amassing over 10,000 views (10,377 to be exact). * Snively and I each make cameo appearances in the video. (Garrett, on the other hand, was our camera man and didnt show up until we finally get a hold of a tripod at the end.) See if you can find us?

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Brief Guide to Modernization Theory

Modernization theory emerged in the 1950s as an explanation of how the industrial societies of North America and Western Europe developed. The theory argues that societies develop in fairly predictable stages through which they become increasingly complex. Development depends primarily on the importation of technology as well as a number of other political and social changes believed to come about as a result. Overview Social scientists, primarily of white European descent, formulated modernization theory during the mid-20th century. Reflecting on a few hundred years of history in North America and Western Europe, and taking a positive view of the changes observed during that time, they developed a theory that explains that modernization is a process that involves industrializationurbanizationrationalizationbureaucracymass consumptionthe adoption of democracy During this process, pre-modern or traditional societies evolve into the contemporary Western societies that we know today. Modernization theory holds that this process involves  increased availability and levels of formal schooling, and the development of mass media, both of which are thought to foster democratic political institutions. Through the process of modernization, transportation and communication become increasingly sophisticated and accessible, populations become more urban and mobile, and the extended family declines in importance. Simultaneously, the importance of the individual in economic and social life increases and intensifies. Organizations become bureaucratic as the  division of labor  within society grows more complex, and as it is a process rooted in scientific and technological rationality,  religion declines in public life. Lastly, cash-driven markets take over as the primary mechanism through which goods and services are exchanged. As it is a theory conceptualized by Western social scientists, it is also one with a capitalist economy at its center. Cemented as valid within Western academia, modernization theory has long been used as a justification for implementing the same kinds of processes and structures in places all over the world that are considered under- or undeveloped as compared with Western societies. At its core are the assumptions that scientific progress, technological development and rationality, mobility, and economic growth are good things and are to be constantly aimed for. Critiques Modernization theory had its critics from the start. Many scholars, often people of color and those from non-Western nations, pointed out over the years that modernization theory fails to account for the way Western reliance on colonization, slave labor, and theft of land and resources provided the wealth and material resources necessary for the pace and scale of development in the West (see postcolonial theory for extensive discussions of this.) It cannot be replicated in other places because of this, and it  should not  be replicated in this way, these critics argue. Others, such as  critical theorists including members of the Frankfurt School, have pointed out that Western modernization is premised on the extreme exploitation of workers within the capitalist system, and that the toll of modernization on social relations has been great, leading to widespread social alienation, a loss of community, and unhappiness. Still others critique modernization theory for failing to account for the unsustainable nature of the project, in an environmental sense, and point out that pre-modern, traditional, and indigenous cultures typically had much more environmentally conscious and symbiotic relationships between people and the planet. Some point out that elements and values of traditional life need not be completely erased in order to achieve a modern society​, pointing to Japan as an example.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Essay Topics about Information Technology Explained

Essay Topics about Information Technology Explained The Number One Question You Must Ask for Essay Topics about Information Technology Your email address won't be published. You may drop it and still retain the exact information. If you submit an application for regular employment then you'll absolutely have to go through a background check. An individual armed with the correct information has become the most powerful in today's era. Thus the tourism products couldn't be marketed over the internet effectively. Long procurement time In a conventional textile business, procurement procedure takes a much longer time. Unsurprisingly, this technology has stalled job growth in the business. Technology in business made it feasible to have a broader reach in the worldwide industry. The Fundamentals of Essay Topics about Information Technology Revealed Such stream of information can influence the operation of overall supply chain operations. Therefore, servers are given an extre mely significant ceiling in bandwidth so that they can scale to quite a great deal of requests. Be aware that the kernel has to be compiled with support for AppArmor. If you use a different IDE you might need to adjust certain actions to coincide with your environment. Educational Mobile Applications M-learning or mobile learning is the most recent avatar of modern-day education. Business concepts and models were revolutionized as a consequence of the debut of technology. With the fundamental understanding of Information Systems, you will have the ability to assist me in making the perfect decisions on which system we shall use for the company. Within this background, the study intends to address the use of IT in Mass Media Industry. The world wide web has supplied a new financial environment to conduct business. Databases are combined with computer graphics in the region of GIS. Understanding Essay Topics about Information Technology As a consequence, it will become hard to stay informed about the needs of the essays presented by the instructors. A student can take a web-based test, dependent on her or his availability. Technology, if not correctly regulated by means of a person during their everyday activities, can take some time away from human interaction and boost consumer waste. Information technology lessens the chance of failures and increases flexibility by decreasing the expense of adjustment. Finding Essay Topics about Information Technology Each of these varieties of paper is owned by the category of informative essay. There are millions of essay about computers topics that you may write on, but the problem arises when you've got to pick any one of them which isn't only the finest but informa tive also. On the flip side, the research, development and evolution of ideas and data still need critical resources, a few of which are critically limited. The authors offer a great deal of deep insight on why tests are important, what type of tests ought to be used when and how one writes expressive, straightforward tests. The Appeal of Essay Topics about Information Technology Still, there's no question we'll see more of blockchain in 2018. The problem is that the absence of documentation on the topic usually means that almost no one is in a position to check their extension. You might have to choose a topic which has not already been done to death. If you're passionate about something, highly interested in a specific topic, it will become an organic necessity to research, gather and explore new resources and information that enable you to understand and make far better feeling of it. At length, there's no fantastic communication without curiosity an individual has to be curious in regards to the audience and the subject to work. At precisely the same time, lots of individuals see technology as a tool for democracy, and therefore the perfect way to fight. For people that don't know a lot about computers, you'll be lost later on. Some folks dislike computers, due to the complications it requires to understand the fundamentals. The Upside to Essay Topics about Information Technology If you attempt to run the script now you should find the exact same error we had before Awesome! The following are a few of the reasons on why information technology has helped a lot when it has to do with marketing a particular product or support. When a site is hosted on a server, it should be able to react to multiple visitors quickly and efficiently. The fundamental illustration is the web, which is now a standard marketing and advertising tool to draw more consumers in availing products and services provided by different businesses. Additionally, you'll nee d to finish a diploma or degree course in information technology to acquire the best jobs for felons out there. The challenges of preparing an e-commerce website and the way to make it operate effectively. You find you have a tremendous work volume to accomplish within a limited moment. 1 option you are able to start looking into is working freelance.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Feminist Perspective Essay Free Essays

Feminist Perspective in â€Å"The Awakening† In The Awakening, Chopin describes how the perfect man or woman should look according to society. The Awakening was published in 1899 which â€Å"aroused a storm of controversy for its then unprecedented treatment of female independence and sexuality, and for its unromantic portrayal of marriage. † (Chopin, 1899, Note) Women were expected to be obedient housewives and a doting mother to their children. We will write a custom essay sample on Feminist Perspective Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The statement; â€Å"If it was not a women’s place to look after children, who’s on earth was it? (Chopin, 1899, chap 3) denotes what the woman’s responsibilities are in a marriage. Chopin uses the characters: Edna, Leonce, Madame Ratignolle and Robert Lebrun to show how marriage, independence, equal rights and freedom are portrayed in the novel, The Awakening. Leonce Pontellier was a forty year old, slender, medium built man with straight brown hair parted to one side. When Chopin describes, â€Å"since it seemed to be the law of society that hair must be parted and brushed† (Chopin, 1899, chap 4) it shows how society expects a man’s appearance to be. Leonce was away on business often and would send a box full of fruits, bon bons, and delicious syrups in abundance. Mr. Pontellier was often away from home on business trips. To make up for the time spent away from home he would send these luscious treats. The women were envious of how much Mr. Pontellier cared for Edna. Chopin best describes how other women see Mr. and Mrs. Pontellier’s relationship when she states; â€Å"selecting with dainty and discriminating fingers and a little greedily, all declared that Mr. Pontellier was the best husband in the world† (Chopin, 1899, chap 3) while sharing the tasty treats sent. Mr. Pontellier was a very materialistic man and even when he looked at his wife after being in the sun states â€Å"you are burnt beyond recognition, he added, looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of property which has suffered some damage. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 1) shows how men view their wife in that era. Men liked their woman to be flawless and devoted to their family. In today’s society that would be considered a â€Å"trophy wife†. Leonce is great at providing for his family, but disregards his wife’s feelings. One example of how Mr. Pontellier is inconsiderate of his wife’s feelings is when she asked him if he would be coming home for dinner and his response was; â€Å"he halted a moment and shrugged his shoulders. / He did not know; perhaps he would return for the early dinner and perhaps he would not. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 1) However, when Edna â€Å"abandoned her Tuesdays at home, and did not return the visits of those who called upon her. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 14) and begins painting, he views her as mentally unbalanced, which he seeks advice from a doctor. â€Å"Mr. Pontellier had been rather courteous husband so long as he met certain tactic submissiveness in his wife. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 14) In other words as long as Edna does what is expected of society he would be happy. In the late 1800’s the man’s job was to provide for the family and the woman’s job was to care for the house and children. Mr. Pontellier was your typical man of that era. Edna Pontellier was a young woman of twenty eight, who’s â€Å"eyes were quick and bright; they were yellowish brown, about the color of her hair. / She was rather handsome than beautiful. (Chopin, 1899, chap 2) In the story, The Awakening Chopin describes Edna as â€Å"an American woman with a small infusion of French† (Chopin, 1899, chap 2), however it was â€Å"lost in dilution. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 2) Edna was in an unhappy marriage with Leonce and throughout the story begins to find her inner self at the Grand Isle. Chopin uses different symbols thro ughout the story to help us understand Edna’s state of mind. Edna did not fit in with the rest of the Creole women. Chopin describes Edna as â€Å"not a mother-woman† (Chopin, 1899, chap 4) indicating that she is not a dedicated mother like the other Creole women. Mrs. Pontellier, though she had married a creole, was not thoroughly home in society of the Creoles. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 4) The Creole women were known for; â€Å"fluttering about with extended, protecting wings when any harm, real or imaginary, threatened their precious brood. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 4) Edna has a quadroon nurse, whom looks after the children who â€Å"was looked upon as a huge encumbrance† (Chopin, 1899, chap 4) leaving one to believe that because of the time period that the quadroon nurse is black. In this era women were dedicated to their children and husband, however Edna defies the norms of society when she doesn’t obey these rules. Edna is fascinated by the beauty and mothering portrayed by Madame Ratignolle and forms a bond with her in the summer at Grand Isle. â€Å"Madame Ratignolle was very fond of Mrs. Pontellier and often she took her sewing and went over to sit with her in the afternoons. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 4) â€Å"Mrs. Pontellier liked to sit and gaze at her fair companion as she might look upon a faultless Madonna. (Chopin, 1899, chap 5) Madame Ratignolle was the perfect Creole woman and Edna looked to her for guidance. Madame Ratignolle is an example of an acceptable woman in this time period. However Edna realizes she is not like the other Creole women and searches within herself for independence. As a woman in the late 1800’s early 1900’s life had many challenges, especially for those who seek independence. It was unlikely for a woman to neither voice her opinions if she were unhappy in a marriage nor choose who to marry. In The Awakening, Edna’s father pushed her into marriage with Leonce. She describes her marriage as â€Å"purely an accident† (Chopin, 1899, chap 7) and with â€Å"the violent opposition of her father and her sister Margaret to her marriage with a Catholic, and we need seek no further for the motives which led her to accept Monsier Pontellier for her husband. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 7) In this era women had very little equal rights and were unable to stand their grounds on their beliefs in fear of rejection from society. In the summer at Grand Isle Edna begins to develop a negative attitude towards marriage. During the summer at Grand Isle, Edna learns how to swim, which begins her â€Å"awakening†. Edna views the sea as calming and way to escape from reality. Even when Edna isn’t at the beach she thinks about the sounds of the waves to comfort her. As Edna looks at the sea she thinks about the â€Å"motionless sails against the blue sky, made a delicious picture I just wanted to sit and look at. / The hot wind beating in my face made me think – without any connection that I can trace — of a summer day in Kentucky, of a meadow that seemed as big as the ocean to the very little girl walking through the grass, which was higher than her waist. (Chopin, 1899, chap 7) The sea reminds Edna of being a little girl without having to carry the heavy load of society. She felt freedom through the waves as they hit the shore. After Edna goes for her first swim, she is overjoyed and yells: â€Å"Think of the time I have lost splashing like a baby! † (Chopin, 1899, chap 5) This was the beginning of the end for her. This night is the first night that Edna stands up to her husband when he asks her to come in for the night while she was resting on the hammock. Edna replies; â€Å"No; I’m going to stay out here. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 6) Mr. Pontellier wasn’t used to Edna not doing what is asked. Edna hears Leonce moving about the room; every sound indicating impatience and irritation. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 6), which signifies Leonce is frustrated that Edna wasn’t submissive as usual. Edna had spent some time with her father which stirred up the feelings as to why she didn’t want to attend her sister’s wedding. Following the advice given to Mr. Pontellier by the Dr. Mandelet’s declined to intervene in her decision. As her father left Mr. Pontellier was not far behind and began talking to her father about Edna’s behavior. Edna’s father told him â€Å"You are too lenient, too lenient by far, Leonce† (Chopin, 1899 chap 29) â€Å"Authority, coercion are what is needed. / Put your foot down good and hard; the only way to manage a wife. / Take my word for it. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 29)This statement shows how men view women with little respect and freedom. It had to of taken a lot for Edna to stand up to her father and tell him no, when he was such an authority to her in life. Edna’s newfound freedom has found her venturing out and doing things she enjoys. She goes to a horse race with Mrs. Highcamp at Arobin’s drag. This is where she meets a man named Alcee Arobin. She begins to spend a lot of time with sharing her interest of horse racing. Through their constant visits Alcee begins experiencing feelings for Edna. Alcee kisses her hand as he leaves her house in the evening. After he is gone she looks â€Å"mechanically at the back of her hand which he had kissed so warmly. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 25) As Edna looked at her hand â€Å"she felt somewhat like a woman who in the moment of passion is betrayed into an act of infedility, and realizes the significance of the act without being wholly awaken from its glamour. (Chopin, 1899, chap 25) When Edna is thinking this she is not referring to her husband, but of Robert whom she fell in love with at the Grand Isle. During this time period divorce wasn’t a choice. Edna continues to fall into the arms of Alcee as they spend time together. Chopin describes the relationship developing into more than just a friendship; however Edna love and s exual desires for Robert are being portrayed with Alcee. Affairs were a forbidden and inexcusable act in the eyes of society. After this night Edna cried which â€Å"was only a phase of the multitudinous emotions which assailed her. / There was with her an overwhelming feeling of irresponsibility. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 28) This signifies that she is feeling remorseful for her doings; however her feelings for Robert are still strong. She then makes a big step and moves out into the pigeon house around the corner. Edna moves out of her home to the pigeon house and begins to support herself through her paintings. This was absurb of a woman moving out of her home away from her husband. When Mr. Pontellier learned of his wife’s intention to abandoned her home and take her residence elsewhere, he immediately wrote a letter of unqualified disapproval and remonstrance. † (Chopin, 1899, chap32) He was worried about â€Å"what people would say. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 32), so he put their house under construction to hide the fact that Edna moved out. For the time being Leonce remains away on business while Edna is living in the pigeon house. â€Å"No longer was she content to â€Å"feed upon opinion† when her own soul had invited her. (Chopin, 1899, chap32) Edna feels independent and full of life. During this time Robert returns from Mexico and Edna reveals her love to him, â€Å"I love you†, she whispered, â€Å"only you; no one but you. / It was you that awoke me last summer out of a life-long stupid dream. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 37) She defies the rules of society by loving one other than her husband, whom she was supposed to love and adore forever. However after revealing her love to Robert she leaves the house to attend to her friend who has become ill and asks him to wait for her to return. When Edna returned home there was a note left from Robert stating; â€Å"I love you. Good-by – because I love you. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 33) Robert did what was the right thing to do in society by leaving because they both would have been shunned for their affair. After reading the letter it appeared as though Edna went into shock. Chopin describes her as she â€Å"grew faint when she read the words. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 33) The next day she decides to go for a little swim and as she was walking she said to herself over and over again, â€Å"To—day it is Arobin; to—morrow it will be someone else. (Chopin, 1899, chap 34) and was also thinking about words shared with Adele Ratignolle, â€Å"she would give up the unessential, but she would not sacrifice herself for her children. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 34) She wasn’t going to sacrifice her life any longer for anybody. Edna interprets the sea as being, â€Å"seductive, never ceasing, whis pering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude. † (Chopin, 1899, chap 34) As she continues to walk along the beach doesn’t find anything living except for a â€Å"bird with a broken wing was beating the air above, reeling, fluttering, circling disabled down, down to the water. (Chopin, 1899, chap 34) The bird symbolizes Edna, broken. She strips away her clothing and walks into the cold ocean naked like a new-born creature, never looking back. In conclusion, it is clear throughout the novel society portrays how men and women should look. The men with their perfect hair and the women doing as they should when directed by their husband are the perfect people in that era. However Edna goes against all the rules of society when she begins going against all of her husband’s wishes and gains confidence along with independence. Society was not ready to face the strength of a woman yet. Therefore, Edna felt very alone in the world with nowhere to turn. She took her life in the very place she discovered her soul because it was the only place she truly felt alive and free. Reference Chopin, K. , (2005), The Awakening, (1899), published by Hayes Barton Press, a division of Vital Source Technologies, Inc. , Retrieved from digital library, September 16, 2011 http://digitalbookshelf. southuniversity. edu/#/books/L-999-70979/pages/17443484 How to cite Feminist Perspective Essay, Essays

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wellness Tourism Essay Example

Wellness Tourism Essay The Holistic Approach Of Ayurveda Based Wellness Tourism In Kerala RAMESH U *Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Munnar, Kerala Tel: 04865 230606,232989 (Off), Mob: 094472 46162, Fax: 04865 232106 E Mail : [emailprotected] com ABSTRACT Wellness, in general, is used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. It is a multidimensional state of being, describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life. Health/Wellness tourism refers to trips that are taken by tourists with the principle purpose being to improve their health and/or wellbeing. The wide use of alternative medicines makes India a particularly intriguing destination, and can bill itself as a holistic health solution. Kerala has been well known for hundreds of years for its practice of Ayurveda-a system of medicine that believes not simply treating the ailment but attending to the whole person. Keralas equable climate, natural abundance of forests (with a wealth of herbs and medicinal plants) and the cool monsoon season (June November) are best suited for curative and restorative packages. Before or after their treatment—or both—medical travelers can enjoy Kerala’s many popular tourist destinations. Whether they enjoy heritage tourism, or viewing wildlife, a beach vacation, or back water experiences, Kerala has a great deal to offer. The concept of health holiday, now better known as Wellness holiday, is based on the principles of Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, physical exercises and a balanced diet. We will write a custom essay sample on Wellness Tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Wellness Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Wellness Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is like rejuvenation and clean up process on all levels physical, mental and emotional. Ayurveda deals elaborately with measures for healthful living during the entire span of life and its various phases. Besides, dealing with principles for maintenance of health, it has also developed a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat illness. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the reason as to why Kerala is being chosen as a preferred destination for Wellness Tourism and to explore the current opportunities and facilities offered to the Wellness seekers. Key Words: Well being, Health holiday, Ayurveda, Rejuvenation. INTRODUCTION More than 50 years ago, the World Health Organization defined health as more than freedom from illness, disease, and debilitating conditions (WHO, 1947). The suggestion by World Health Organization that health had a positive component led to the use of the term wellness—now widely used to describe the state of being representing that positive component (Corbin, Pangrazi, Franks, 2000). Halbert Dunn developed the philosophy of wellness tourism to illustrate about a special state of health comprising an overall sense of wellbeing which sees man as consisting of body, spirit, mind and being dependent on his environment (Dunn, H. L, 1965). It is a concept that is attractive to visitors who love combining wellbeing and lifestyle healthcare services with the strong desire to travel overseas. The global advancement in medical research and technologies, increased facililities of transportation and demand of immediate quality healthcare have provided the patients worldwide to travel abroad for treatments. The Indian healthcare industry has realized the potential of this niche market and has begun to tailor their services for international visitors (Ilyas, 2008). Government and private sector studies in India estimate that medical tourism could bring between $1 billion and $2 billion US into the country by 2012. The reports estimate that medical tourism to India is growing by 30 per cent a year. In order to qualify as a contemporary wellness tourism experience, we would contend that some deliberate contribution has to be made to psychological, spiritual or emotional well-being in addition to physical. This takes wellness tourism from the realm of being merely a passive form of tourism with a focus on escapism to one where tourists are purposefully driven by the desire to actively seek enhanced wellness. Arguably, however, there had been an unprecedented intensification in the pursuit of wellness in the history of Tourism in the recent years (Smith Kelly, 2006). The present trend, however, is for western tourists to seek solace in Eastern philosophies and therapies (e. g. , Chinese medicine, Buddhist meditation, Indian Ayurveda, Thai massage). With more people in the west realizing the effectiveness of traditional and natural medicines in treating chronic diseases over modern medicines using chemical drugs, the scopes provided by Kerala is getting an upper hand in the Modern world. The Ayurvedic system of medicine has become very popular among tourists in the recent times. Ayurveda has its own comprehensive way of understanding the body, of what causes diseases, how to prevent them, how to relieve and cure them, methods of preparing therapeutic medicines using herbs and oils, rejuvenation and methods of surgery. Kerala is the only place where Ayurveda is practiced in its true and authentic form. Wellness related tourism services provided by Kerala are now the most debated topic among the tourists and health care tourism providers’ world wide. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the holistic approach offered to the wellness seekers visiting Kerala through the traditional therapies and the factors that sustain this unique tourism product. DISCUSSION Health is god given and a natural phenomenon. It is a law of the nature to protect the human beings from diseases. The fast paced lifestyle and stressful job coupled with lack of exercise and excessive eating habits have made the modern executive human to a variety of ailments. Even though the technological advancement of modern medicine is tremendous, its capacity for controlling and preventing diseases has gone down considerably. People are taking a lot more of drugs than they used to, and drug costs are inflating at a higher rate than any other component of health care (Angel, 2004). There have been some attempts to classify specific measures of Wellness, such factors as personal energy, ability to enjoy leisure, better self-image and self-confidence, to name but a few(Cooper, 1982). Medical tourism can be broadly defined as provision of cost effective private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing surgical and other forms of specialized treatment. Tourism in its initial stages was directly aimed at increasing health and well being of people. In the present decade, the attempt to achieve better health while on a holiday through relaxation, exercise or visits to spas has been taken into a new level, with the emergence of a distinct niche in the tourism industry, â€Å"Wellness Tourism†, where tourism is deliberately linked to direct health interventions and the outcomes are expected to be substantial. The growing world wide focus on health and well being has led to an enormous increase in the wellness facilities in India. The country’s National Health Policy declares that treatment of foreign patients is legally an export nd deemed eligible for all fiscal incentives extended to export earnings. The increasing attractiveness and economic significance of health and Wellness tourism is further apparent in the growth of both domestic and international visitors since the beginning of this decade. India is the most touted healthcare destination for countries like South-East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Mauritius, Ta nzania, Bangladesh and Yemen with 12 per cent patient inflow from developing countries. An estimated 150,000 medical tourists visited India during 2007, representing a 20% jump over the previous year and reports reveal that the earnings from Ayurveda Tourism alone amounted to Rs 60 billion. Table 1 indicates the foreign tourist arrivals and the foreign exchange earnings from 1996 to 2006. India has a huge diversity of holiday options ranging from the beaches of Goa, the mighty Himalayas, thousands of years of culture, diverse wildlife and of course the Ayurveda based wellness facilities offered by Kerala. The added attractions to patients who wish to avail treatment in India is medical visa, it will now be easier to travel to India as the visa could be extended without any problem. Apart from the competitive pricing and specialized Medicare facililities, the Ayurveda based traditional treatments offered by Kerala has now emerged as the USP for India to develop as the most sought after healthcare destination in the World. Ayurveda based Wellness facilities Offered by Kerala Kerala – The mesmerizing land located in the south of India enjoys geographical features that are unique and rich. Kerala is one of the few blessed lands in the world that is networked by forty four rivers. These rivers are also known as the â€Å"backwaters of Kerala† and it stretches up to almost 1900 kilometers. Kerala has some of the amazing, most charming beaches of the world. The colourful beaches always remain bathed in the golden rays of the sun and the tourists who spent their time here gets captivated by the ever glowing beauty of this picturesque land. It has a 600 km long shoreline dotted with coconut groves, natural harbors, lagoons and sheltered coves. Kerala has some of the finest hill stations in India with the entire Western Ghats studded with evergreens, rolling grasslands, sholas and stretches of rejuvenating fragrance of tea and coffee plantations. Table 2 indicates the arrival rate of foreign tourists to India and the state wise break up highlighting the position of Kerala during the years 2005 and 2006. This state is also the only place in India which practices Ayurveda in its purest form. Ayurveda is the traditional Indian system of medicine that has brought true health, happiness and wellbeing to millions of individuals throughout the ages. This ancient art of healing has been in practice for over 5000years, and was also the mainstream medicine in the ancient times. Derived from its ancient Sanskrit roots – â€Å"ayus† (life) and â€Å"ved† (knowledge) – and offering a rich, comprehensive outlook to a healthy life, it is the only medical science in this universe which is useful even when one is not ill. Ayurveda is a complete science of health that is being applicable in all stages of life starting from birth, neonates, infants, childhood, youth, old age and even life before and after death. For many people, the image of Ayurveda is limited to the use of herbal or home/kitchen remedies and a traditional way of treatment. But in reality, Ayurveda is a much serious medical science, which strongly emphasizes on the diagnosis, examination, analysis of the disease, diet, medicinal properties, dose, frequency of the medicine and the medium with which it should be consumed (Kulkarni, 2008). These factors are highly crucial in achieving a complete cure and restore the balance and harmony of an individual, resulting in self-healing, good health and longevity. The Medicare in Ayurveda has broadly two parts: one is preservation of health and prevention of diseases and the second, diseases and their treatment. In Ayurvedic terminology, the first is â€Å"Swasthavritha† and the later is â€Å"Athuravritha†. Ayurveda follows a totally different way of treating diseases known as â€Å"Panchakarma†, which means literally â€Å"Five Therapies† which are the subtly harmonizing purification procedures that dissolve metabolic waste products and toxins generated from the environmental ill effects, in a gentle and effective way from the tissues and eliminate them from the body. The five therapies are namely:- Vamana- emetic and administration of drugs to produce vomiting, Virechana- administration of drugs for purgation, Nasyam- administration of drugs through nasal cavities, Anuvasana- rectal administration of medicated oil preparation and Nirooha- rectal administration of herbal decoctions. This treatment is advisable to the diseased as well as the healthy. In healthy persons, it is performed as a measure for health preservation. Ayurveda also has a comprehensive system of massages and body treatments that gives relief from a wide range of illnesses, from migraine and sinus to arthritis and paralysis; that detoxify and cleans the body through controlled emesis, purgation, making the individual sweat; and that makes the body receptive to further treatment. Apart from the above mentioned therapies, Ayurveda offers something special for the middle aged tourists – â€Å"Rasayana† Treatment. The Rasayana method of treatment is considered to be a measure to check and prevent the process of natural degeneration and decay by maintaining the strength of tissues (Varier, 1986). Ayurveda also claims that surgery may always be the last option in case of the treatment of an ailment. Natural medicines like herbs and minerals can all be partaken as food and not medicine as such, since their composition is all natural. These therapies are more effective in Kerala due to the almost year around humid climate of the state. Even though our country is facing stiff competitions from other Wellness facilitation destinations in Asia – Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines, the traditional and natural medical practices offered by Kerala Ayurveda is helping in attracting medical tourists from US, Europe and other Middle Eastern countries, increasingly, to seek solace as to their belief and reality, as Ayurveda extends excellent treatments for ailments like Osteo-Arthritis, Rheumatic Arthritis, Tennis Elbow and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Spondylosis, Intervertibular disc prolapse, Frozen Shoulder, Insomnia, Migraine, Skin Diseases and of course Weight management. Table 3 indicates the variety of Ayurvedic treatments offered for different ailments. Kerala is now considered as one of the best places for alternative healthcare treatments and because of this popularity, the number of Ayurvedic centers opening up across the state is also substantially increasing. With a view to facilitate the wellness tourism industry to achieve the targets and to give a greater momentum for this growth, the Ministry of Tourism, Government of Kerala, in association with the Department of Indian Systems of Medicine has identified an urgent need to evaluate the safety and service standards of the prevailing and newly establishing Ayurveda centers and classify them accordingly. Standards have been set in terms of Personnel – Qualified physicians and masseurs having sufficient degree and training from recognized Ayurveda institutions, Quality of medicines and Health programmes – Prior approval by the advisory committee for the levels of treatments, clear exhibition of the treatment programmes offered and usage of medicines manufactured by approved firms with proper labeling, Equipments Standards are fixed for the size and make of massage tables, facilities for medicated hot water , sterilization, electric/ gas stove and the hygiene , Facilities in terms of number of treatment rooms with prescribed size , proper ventilation and attached bathrooms, quality and finishing of floors and walls, consultation room with proper equipments, separate rest rooms, locality , ambience and the cleanliness of surroundings. Ayurvedic centers fulfilling all the mentioned essential conditions are awarded a certification named Olive Leaf. Apart from the same, Government has also set some optional conditions in terms of the construction and architectural features of the building, adequate parking space, facilities for steam bath, separate hall for yoga and meditation, herbal garden attached to the center and the picturesque location. The Ayurveda centers also fulfilling these optional conditions will awarded Green Leaf. The district wise distribution of classified Ayurvedic health centers in Kerala is shown in Table 4. From the past two decades, the necessity for a holistic approach in the treatment of diseases had been an active topic for discussion among the scholars of modern medical sciences (Mohanlal, 2008). As a system of medicine that completely eliminates the disease from the body without causing any side effects, and which ultimately promotes the basic health, Ayurveda stands atop the alternative systems of treatments recognized by the World Health Organization. Many foreign countries have already started Kerala Ayurveda treatment centers and the export of Ayurvedic medicines to international market is increasing in a faster pace day by day. But, to the surprise, foreign tourists are often just as keen to visit the origin of the practice to avail treatments and body purification processes. The basic principles emerging from a holistic outlook, the peculiar and unique techniques of treatments, and the health promoting and non reactive herbal drugs used are the main elements which differentiate Ayurveda from the other prevailing medical systems. CONCLUSION India is one of the countries that have deliberately set out to be a dominant medical tourism destination. A recent trend has shown that people from developed countries are seeking treatment from the health professionals of developing countries. The Indian medical tourism industry is growing at an annual rate of 30 percent and with international traveling becoming easier and affordable and with improvements in healthcare technology and infrastructure across the world, medical tourism is fast becoming a preferable way to mingle leisure with health and wellness. Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine and health science, is an integral part of Kerala’s culture. In all branches of medicine and health care, Ayurveda has its own, peculiar contributions and tourists from all over the world are seeking healing in numerous Ayurveda Centers in Kerala. In the long run, Wellness tourism can become the niche for foreign revenue generation as there is an increasing trend in the number of visitors to Kerala as wellness seekers. Varsity of the Wellness phenomenon coupled with the mind blowing tourism potential offers a well set choice for international tourists to visit this land better known to the world as ‘Gods Own Country’. Wellness Tourism Essay Example Wellness Tourism Essay The Holistic Approach Of Ayurveda Based Wellness Tourism In Kerala RAMESH U *Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Munnar, Kerala Tel: 04865 230606,232989 (Off), Mob: 094472 46162, Fax: 04865 232106 E Mail : [emailprotected] com ABSTRACT Wellness, in general, is used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. It is a multidimensional state of being, describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life. Health/Wellness tourism refers to trips that are taken by tourists with the principle purpose being to improve their health and/or wellbeing. The wide use of alternative medicines makes India a particularly intriguing destination, and can bill itself as a holistic health solution. Kerala has been well known for hundreds of years for its practice of Ayurveda-a system of medicine that believes not simply treating the ailment but attending to the whole person. Keralas equable climate, natural abundance of forests (with a wealth of herbs and medicinal plants) and the cool monsoon season (June November) are best suited for curative and restorative packages. Before or after their treatment—or both—medical travelers can enjoy Kerala’s many popular tourist destinations. Whether they enjoy heritage tourism, or viewing wildlife, a beach vacation, or back water experiences, Kerala has a great deal to offer. The concept of health holiday, now better known as Wellness holiday, is based on the principles of Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, physical exercises and a balanced diet. We will write a custom essay sample on Wellness Tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Wellness Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Wellness Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is like rejuvenation and clean up process on all levels physical, mental and emotional. Ayurveda deals elaborately with measures for healthful living during the entire span of life and its various phases. Besides, dealing with principles for maintenance of health, it has also developed a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat illness. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the reason as to why Kerala is being chosen as a preferred destination for Wellness Tourism and to explore the current opportunities and facilities offered to the Wellness seekers. Key Words: Well being, Health holiday, Ayurveda, Rejuvenation. INTRODUCTION More than 50 years ago, the World Health Organization defined health as more than freedom from illness, disease, and debilitating conditions (WHO, 1947). The suggestion by World Health Organization that health had a positive component led to the use of the term wellness—now widely used to describe the state of being representing that positive component (Corbin, Pangrazi, Franks, 2000). Halbert Dunn developed the philosophy of wellness tourism to illustrate about a special state of health comprising an overall sense of wellbeing which sees man as consisting of body, spirit, mind and being dependent on his environment (Dunn, H. L, 1965). It is a concept that is attractive to visitors who love combining wellbeing and lifestyle healthcare services with the strong desire to travel overseas. The global advancement in medical research and technologies, increased facililities of transportation and demand of immediate quality healthcare have provided the patients worldwide to travel abroad for treatments. The Indian healthcare industry has realized the potential of this niche market and has begun to tailor their services for international visitors (Ilyas, 2008). Government and private sector studies in India estimate that medical tourism could bring between $1 billion and $2 billion US into the country by 2012. The reports estimate that medical tourism to India is growing by 30 per cent a year. In order to qualify as a contemporary wellness tourism experience, we would contend that some deliberate contribution has to be made to psychological, spiritual or emotional well-being in addition to physical. This takes wellness tourism from the realm of being merely a passive form of tourism with a focus on escapism to one where tourists are purposefully driven by the desire to actively seek enhanced wellness. Arguably, however, there had been an unprecedented intensification in the pursuit of wellness in the history of Tourism in the recent years (Smith Kelly, 2006). The present trend, however, is for western tourists to seek solace in Eastern philosophies and therapies (e. g. , Chinese medicine, Buddhist meditation, Indian Ayurveda, Thai massage). With more people in the west realizing the effectiveness of traditional and natural medicines in treating chronic diseases over modern medicines using chemical drugs, the scopes provided by Kerala is getting an upper hand in the Modern world. The Ayurvedic system of medicine has become very popular among tourists in the recent times. Ayurveda has its own comprehensive way of understanding the body, of what causes diseases, how to prevent them, how to relieve and cure them, methods of preparing therapeutic medicines using herbs and oils, rejuvenation and methods of surgery. Kerala is the only place where Ayurveda is practiced in its true and authentic form. Wellness related tourism services provided by Kerala are now the most debated topic among the tourists and health care tourism providers’ world wide. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the holistic approach offered to the wellness seekers visiting Kerala through the traditional therapies and the factors that sustain this unique tourism product. DISCUSSION Health is god given and a natural phenomenon. It is a law of the nature to protect the human beings from diseases. The fast paced lifestyle and stressful job coupled with lack of exercise and excessive eating habits have made the modern executive human to a variety of ailments. Even though the technological advancement of modern medicine is tremendous, its capacity for controlling and preventing diseases has gone down considerably. People are taking a lot more of drugs than they used to, and drug costs are inflating at a higher rate than any other component of health care (Angel, 2004). There have been some attempts to classify specific measures of Wellness, such factors as personal energy, ability to enjoy leisure, better self-image and self-confidence, to name but a few(Cooper, 1982). Medical tourism can be broadly defined as provision of cost effective private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing surgical and other forms of specialized treatment. Tourism in its initial stages was directly aimed at increasing health and well being of people. In the present decade, the attempt to achieve better health while on a holiday through relaxation, exercise or visits to spas has been taken into a new level, with the emergence of a distinct niche in the tourism industry, â€Å"Wellness Tourism†, where tourism is deliberately linked to direct health interventions and the outcomes are expected to be substantial. The growing world wide focus on health and well being has led to an enormous increase in the wellness facilities in India. The country’s National Health Policy declares that treatment of foreign patients is legally an export nd deemed eligible for all fiscal incentives extended to export earnings. The increasing attractiveness and economic significance of health and Wellness tourism is further apparent in the growth of both domestic and international visitors since the beginning of this decade. India is the most touted healthcare destination for countries like South-East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Mauritius, Ta nzania, Bangladesh and Yemen with 12 per cent patient inflow from developing countries. An estimated 150,000 medical tourists visited India during 2007, representing a 20% jump over the previous year and reports reveal that the earnings from Ayurveda Tourism alone amounted to Rs 60 billion. Table 1 indicates the foreign tourist arrivals and the foreign exchange earnings from 1996 to 2006. India has a huge diversity of holiday options ranging from the beaches of Goa, the mighty Himalayas, thousands of years of culture, diverse wildlife and of course the Ayurveda based wellness facilities offered by Kerala. The added attractions to patients who wish to avail treatment in India is medical visa, it will now be easier to travel to India as the visa could be extended without any problem. Apart from the competitive pricing and specialized Medicare facililities, the Ayurveda based traditional treatments offered by Kerala has now emerged as the USP for India to develop as the most sought after healthcare destination in the World. Ayurveda based Wellness facilities Offered by Kerala Kerala – The mesmerizing land located in the south of India enjoys geographical features that are unique and rich. Kerala is one of the few blessed lands in the world that is networked by forty four rivers. These rivers are also known as the â€Å"backwaters of Kerala† and it stretches up to almost 1900 kilometers. Kerala has some of the amazing, most charming beaches of the world. The colourful beaches always remain bathed in the golden rays of the sun and the tourists who spent their time here gets captivated by the ever glowing beauty of this picturesque land. It has a 600 km long shoreline dotted with coconut groves, natural harbors, lagoons and sheltered coves. Kerala has some of the finest hill stations in India with the entire Western Ghats studded with evergreens, rolling grasslands, sholas and stretches of rejuvenating fragrance of tea and coffee plantations. Table 2 indicates the arrival rate of foreign tourists to India and the state wise break up highlighting the position of Kerala during the years 2005 and 2006. This state is also the only place in India which practices Ayurveda in its purest form. Ayurveda is the traditional Indian system of medicine that has brought true health, happiness and wellbeing to millions of individuals throughout the ages. This ancient art of healing has been in practice for over 5000years, and was also the mainstream medicine in the ancient times. Derived from its ancient Sanskrit roots – â€Å"ayus† (life) and â€Å"ved† (knowledge) – and offering a rich, comprehensive outlook to a healthy life, it is the only medical science in this universe which is useful even when one is not ill. Ayurveda is a complete science of health that is being applicable in all stages of life starting from birth, neonates, infants, childhood, youth, old age and even life before and after death. For many people, the image of Ayurveda is limited to the use of herbal or home/kitchen remedies and a traditional way of treatment. But in reality, Ayurveda is a much serious medical science, which strongly emphasizes on the diagnosis, examination, analysis of the disease, diet, medicinal properties, dose, frequency of the medicine and the medium with which it should be consumed (Kulkarni, 2008). These factors are highly crucial in achieving a complete cure and restore the balance and harmony of an individual, resulting in self-healing, good health and longevity. The Medicare in Ayurveda has broadly two parts: one is preservation of health and prevention of diseases and the second, diseases and their treatment. In Ayurvedic terminology, the first is â€Å"Swasthavritha† and the later is â€Å"Athuravritha†. Ayurveda follows a totally different way of treating diseases known as â€Å"Panchakarma†, which means literally â€Å"Five Therapies† which are the subtly harmonizing purification procedures that dissolve metabolic waste products and toxins generated from the environmental ill effects, in a gentle and effective way from the tissues and eliminate them from the body. The five therapies are namely:- Vamana- emetic and administration of drugs to produce vomiting, Virechana- administration of drugs for purgation, Nasyam- administration of drugs through nasal cavities, Anuvasana- rectal administration of medicated oil preparation and Nirooha- rectal administration of herbal decoctions. This treatment is advisable to the diseased as well as the healthy. In healthy persons, it is performed as a measure for health preservation. Ayurveda also has a comprehensive system of massages and body treatments that gives relief from a wide range of illnesses, from migraine and sinus to arthritis and paralysis; that detoxify and cleans the body through controlled emesis, purgation, making the individual sweat; and that makes the body receptive to further treatment. Apart from the above mentioned therapies, Ayurveda offers something special for the middle aged tourists – â€Å"Rasayana† Treatment. The Rasayana method of treatment is considered to be a measure to check and prevent the process of natural degeneration and decay by maintaining the strength of tissues (Varier, 1986). Ayurveda also claims that surgery may always be the last option in case of the treatment of an ailment. Natural medicines like herbs and minerals can all be partaken as food and not medicine as such, since their composition is all natural. These therapies are more effective in Kerala due to the almost year around humid climate of the state. Even though our country is facing stiff competitions from other Wellness facilitation destinations in Asia – Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines, the traditional and natural medical practices offered by Kerala Ayurveda is helping in attracting medical tourists from US, Europe and other Middle Eastern countries, increasingly, to seek solace as to their belief and reality, as Ayurveda extends excellent treatments for ailments like Osteo-Arthritis, Rheumatic Arthritis, Tennis Elbow and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Spondylosis, Intervertibular disc prolapse, Frozen Shoulder, Insomnia, Migraine, Skin Diseases and of course Weight management. Table 3 indicates the variety of Ayurvedic treatments offered for different ailments. Kerala is now considered as one of the best places for alternative healthcare treatments and because of this popularity, the number of Ayurvedic centers opening up across the state is also substantially increasing. With a view to facilitate the wellness tourism industry to achieve the targets and to give a greater momentum for this growth, the Ministry of Tourism, Government of Kerala, in association with the Department of Indian Systems of Medicine has identified an urgent need to evaluate the safety and service standards of the prevailing and newly establishing Ayurveda centers and classify them accordingly. Standards have been set in terms of Personnel – Qualified physicians and masseurs having sufficient degree and training from recognized Ayurveda institutions, Quality of medicines and Health programmes – Prior approval by the advisory committee for the levels of treatments, clear exhibition of the treatment programmes offered and usage of medicines manufactured by approved firms with proper labeling, Equipments Standards are fixed for the size and make of massage tables, facilities for medicated hot water , sterilization, electric/ gas stove and the hygiene , Facilities in terms of number of treatment rooms with prescribed size , proper ventilation and attached bathrooms, quality and finishing of floors and walls, consultation room with proper equipments, separate rest rooms, locality , ambience and the cleanliness of surroundings. Ayurvedic centers fulfilling all the mentioned essential conditions are awarded a certification named Olive Leaf. Apart from the same, Government has also set some optional conditions in terms of the construction and architectural features of the building, adequate parking space, facilities for steam bath, separate hall for yoga and meditation, herbal garden attached to the center and the picturesque location. The Ayurveda centers also fulfilling these optional conditions will awarded Green Leaf. The district wise distribution of classified Ayurvedic health centers in Kerala is shown in Table 4. From the past two decades, the necessity for a holistic approach in the treatment of diseases had been an active topic for discussion among the scholars of modern medical sciences (Mohanlal, 2008). As a system of medicine that completely eliminates the disease from the body without causing any side effects, and which ultimately promotes the basic health, Ayurveda stands atop the alternative systems of treatments recognized by the World Health Organization. Many foreign countries have already started Kerala Ayurveda treatment centers and the export of Ayurvedic medicines to international market is increasing in a faster pace day by day. But, to the surprise, foreign tourists are often just as keen to visit the origin of the practice to avail treatments and body purification processes. The basic principles emerging from a holistic outlook, the peculiar and unique techniques of treatments, and the health promoting and non reactive herbal drugs used are the main elements which differentiate Ayurveda from the other prevailing medical systems. CONCLUSION India is one of the countries that have deliberately set out to be a dominant medical tourism destination. A recent trend has shown that people from developed countries are seeking treatment from the health professionals of developing countries. The Indian medical tourism industry is growing at an annual rate of 30 percent and with international traveling becoming easier and affordable and with improvements in healthcare technology and infrastructure across the world, medical tourism is fast becoming a preferable way to mingle leisure with health and wellness. Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine and health science, is an integral part of Kerala’s culture. In all branches of medicine and health care, Ayurveda has its own, peculiar contributions and tourists from all over the world are seeking healing in numerous Ayurveda Centers in Kerala. In the long run, Wellness tourism can become the niche for foreign revenue generation as there is an increasing trend in the number of visitors to Kerala as wellness seekers. Varsity of the Wellness phenomenon coupled with the mind blowing tourism potential offers a well set choice for international tourists to visit this land better known to the world as ‘Gods Own Country’.